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Dietary Accommodations

正规博彩十大网站排名学院致力于为有医疗饮食障碍和/或条件的学生提供合理的便利,为他们提供平等的机会使用学院的膳食计划和/或设施. 膳食住宿政策适用于所有学生,并解释了在正规博彩十大网站排名学院申请膳食住宿所需的具体步骤.

《正规博彩十大网站排名》(ADA)将残疾人定义为身体或精神受损,严重限制了一项或多项主要生活活动的人. 影响实质性限制确定的三个因素是:1)损害的性质和严重程度, 2) the duration or expected duration of the impairment, and 3) whether the impairment is characterized as permanent or long-term.

General Information

学院认为,参加住宿学院的一个主要特点是所有学生都有机会彼此住在一起. As such, all students living in College Housing are required to have a meal plan. The College requires students with medical dietary disabilities and/or conditions, who require reasonable dietary accommodations, to affirmatively request such accommodations within the established deadlines.

无障碍教育办公室(OAE)与学院的食品服务供应商密切合作,为学生提供合理的饮食安排. 通过与无障碍教育和餐饮服务办公室的工作人员制定一项食品管理计划,概述合理的替代饮食选择,可以满足大多数医疗饮食残疾和/或条件. Reasonable dietary alternatives currently available include, but are not limited to gluten-free and lactose-free food options, meals for medically-required diets, and the option to request alternative meals. If the currently dietary options available do not adequately and equitably meet a student’s needs, 无障碍教育办公室将参与一个互动过程,以帮助确定其他住宿或调整.

Process for Requesting a Dietary Accommodation

Dietary Accommodations must be requested and approved. 正规博彩十大网站排名将在任何时候接受并考虑所有合理和必要的饮食住宿要求, however, 无障碍教育办公室必须在以下日期前收到填妥的申请,以确保批准的申请可以在指定的学期和/或学年的剩余时间内被容纳:

  • November 1: Returning students for spring
  • March 1: Returning students for fall
  • July 1: First year and transfer students for fall

在当前学期和/或在上述日期之后是否需要合理的饮食安排, students should complete the process below as soon as possible. 而学院将尽一切合理的努力解决所有必要的和要求的住宿, 学院不能保证在当前和/或即将到来的学期中合理或可行地批准在规定截止日期之后收到的膳食计划住宿请求. Also, 对于每学期开学第一天后10个工作日收到/批准的膳食计划住宿申请,退款可能不合理或不可行.

提交合理膳食安排的请求并不能保证提供特定的住宿. 学生必须完成饮食住宿申请流程并获得批准,才能从事与所要求的饮食住宿相关的任何行为.


当残疾和/或住宿需求不明显时,学生将需要由负责治疗的医疗保健提供者向无障碍教育办公室提交文件. This information provides OAE with reliable documentation that the student has a disability. Documentation must also show that the requested accommodation is necessary to provide them with equal access to the College’s meal plan and/or facility; in addition, there must be an identifiable relationship, or nexus, between the requested accommodation and their disability. 提供文件的治疗卫生保健提供者必须是与诊断相一致的专业领域, 以及熟悉学生的残疾和所要求的住宿的必要性. To avoid any conflict of interest, documentation must be provided by a non-family healthcare provider. Please see the documentation guidelines listed on the Dietary Accommodation Form.

Students seeking reasonable and necessary meal plan accommodations must complete the following:

  1. Complete the New Student Application. Only one application is required even when applying for multiple accommodations, ie. academic & housing.
  2. Complete and upload documentation and the Dietary Accommodation Form to AIM. Students may also email documentation directly to OAE at, hand-deliver to Buttrick G13 or fax to 404-471-6083.
  3. Once OAE receives a dietary accommodation request, OAE staff will contact the student, in writing, 召开会议,讨论所要求的膳食安排,以确保充分了解要求的需要和范围.
  4. 无障碍教育办公室将与餐饮服务主任安排一次会议,讨论正规博彩十大网站排名在现有的饮食选择中满足您的饮食需求的现有机会. 餐饮服务主任将在会议期间完成一份食品管理计划,以确定学生的饮食选择,可能满足您的需求. If Dining Services cannot reasonably accommodate a student, OAE will explore additional or alternative modifications/accommodations.


如果膳食计划住宿委员会发现所要求的住宿是不必要的和/或不合理的, 学生可以在拒绝后的五(5)个工作日内向Yves-Rose Porcena公平与包容副校长/ 504条款协调员提出书面上诉. The appeal will be considered only on the basis of written materials, information and/or documentation only.

The appeal must be based upon one or more of the following criteria:

  • Procedural error(s) made in the consideration of the request
  • New information unavailable at the time of the request (i.e. updated medical information)
  • The decision was clearly erroneous based on the written record

在收到申诉后,工作人员将审查所有相关信息,并在十五(15)个工作日内提供书面答复,要么批准申诉,要么修改初始决定, or denying the appeal and maintaining the initial decision. This decision shall be final.

政策中没有任何规定禁止认为自己可能受到残疾歧视的学生利用学院的申诉程序和/或向学院的投诉部门投诉 Office for Civil Rights.

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