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Frequently Asked Questions

In general, counseling is a collaborative, 保密程序,旨在帮助个人解决他们的担忧, 更好地了解自己,学习有效的个人和人际应对策略.


Because counseling often involves sharing sensitive, personal and private information, it may at times feel difficult or challenging. 在咨询过程中,你可能会经历一段时间的焦虑或困惑.

然而,任何个人的满意度都是不可预测的, the outcome of counseling is often positive.


  • Managing relationships
  • Coping with stress and/or anxiety
  • Navigating life transitions
  • Addressing depressive symptoms
  • Handling a crisis
  • Exploring identity 
  • Dealing with sexual assault and relationship violence
  • Tackling self-esteem and confidence concerns
All currently enrolled undergraduate, 研究生和学士后艾格尼丝·斯科特学生有资格获得服务.
辅导的频率取决于学生的需要. 每隔一周进行一次,每次45到50分钟. During the initial care consultation, CAPS咨询师将决定最合适的治疗方案(短期), on-campus counseling or referral to off-campus services). 校内咨询是短期的,通常以目标为导向,以解决方案为重点.

所有苏格兰人都可以免费获得校内咨询或精神治疗服务. However, 由于CAPS的护理模式和大量的服务请求, on-campus therapists can see a limited number of students. 正因为如此,我们经常向校外提供者推荐. 使用保险的学生可能要为校外心理健康服务的自付额和免赔额负责.

学生健康检查对所有苏格兰人也是免费的. 但是,如果您需要实验室检查或处方,可能需要支付相关费用或共付费用. 如果你错过了预约,你还需要支付25美元的失约费.

If you would like to schedule an initial appointment, called a Care Consultation, please email CAPS at

如果你是一个已经完成了学年护理咨询的归国学生, 你可以直接给你的辅导员发电子邮件,或者通过Medicat给他们发送安全信息.

We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. 我们在周末和学院规定的假日休息. 请注意,健身中心在夏季关闭.

在CAPS,您的会议和记录是保密的,但可能有例外. 客户和客户信息可以由CAPS内部的工作人员讨论以进行治疗, administrative, supervisory, and training purposes. 在CAPS之外发布信息需要您的书面许可,但以下情况除外:

  1. 当你或他人面临明显的危险时. This includes potential suicide or homicide, as well as abuse of children, elderly or disabled persons.
  2. If your are a minor (under 18 years old) or incapacitated, we may release information to a parent or guardian.
  3. 当收到法院命令时,命令发布信息.
  4. 请注意,法律要求我们报告所有目前的虐待案件, abandonment, neglect, or exploitation of a child or vulnerable adult. 当任何儿童目前存在任何可能的危险时,必须报告过去的虐待行为, elderly or disabled person (for example, a child living with the abuser).
  5. 我们可能会被要求向进行国家安全和情报活动或为总统或其他重要官员提供保护服务的授权联邦官员披露您的健康信息. 根据法律,我们不能透露我们何时向政府披露了此类信息(例如, the Patriot Act).
  6. 如果艾格尼丝·斯科特学生因缺席或延迟取消而收取费用, 表明您计划在CAPS接受服务的信息将披露给您的父母或监护人,以便收集. 这笔费用将作为服务费记入你的学生账户. No sensitive client data will be disclosed.

CAPS遵循美国心理协会的行为准则和道德原则, as well as Georgia state law on this matter. In Georgia, 持牌心理健康临床医生与客户之间的保密关系和通信与法律规定的律师与客户之间的保密关系和通信相同. 但是,有一些例外情况会在我们的知情同意书中详细说明.

如果对治疗很重要,我们可能会征得学生家长的同意. 关于父母是否参与紧急情况的决定是根据具体情况作出的. 家长/监护人必须提供他们的书面同意,允许18岁以下的学生接受咨询.

Dr. Michael Conley is our psychiatrist on staff. He has limited hours and is available by appointment only. 在与医生会面之前,需要与CAPS顾问进行护理咨询. 康利除非你是他本学年的老客户.

There is no charge for these appointments. 但是,你要负责任何处方药物的费用. 精神科初次就诊预约也需要支付100美元的失约费. There is a $50 no-show fee for follow-up appointments.

例如,我们无法提供一些与心理健康有关的服务, learning disability assessment and long-term psychotherapy. 如果你需要这些服务,我们会把你推荐给当地的治疗师. 请注意,这些服务通常涉及费用. 在某些情况下,医疗保险可以支付部分费用. 

如果您正在处理心理健康紧急情况,请拨打404辅导员支持线.471.7100 and press option 1 to speak with a counselor 24/7.


The following emergency resources are also available:

  • GA Crisis and Access Line: 800.715.4225
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800.273.8255
  • Trevor Project: 800.488.7386
  • Trans Lifeline: 877.565.8860
  • Crisis Text Line: 741741
  • Day League: 404.377.1428
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